Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Keeley Consulting Group Tips on Creating New Policies

The Keeley Consulting Group recently conducted certain reviews regarding policy development. It turns out that an organization needs to construct a clearly defined and carefully written policy in order to ensure a convivial, encouraging, organized, safe, and unbiased workplace.

Basically, a lot of us don’t like an inconsistent and inconsistently applied policy. They often result in more problems on top of the ones they were designed to solve. However, policies are a vital part of any organization. They define the necessary guidelines for companies to operate properly and influence the behavior of individuals to a specific outcome. 

Please consider the following tips given by The Keeley Consulting Group on how to develop new policies for your organization.

First, see to it that there is a policy on policies. We know that it sounds a little redundant, but it’s necessary to work within a predefined and decided upon framework even if it comes to policy formation. Probably the first and most important step in maturing policies is to make a simple policy on policies that clarifies the organization’s process for creating new policies. This policy should consist of guidance about what situations constitute the need for a new policy, the format that new policies should use, as well as the process that has to be followed for a new policy to be approved. There’s a high possibility that you’ll have a major inconsistency in the outcomes and inconsistency in the creation if you don’t have a process and framework around policy formation. This could also result in poor or difficult enforcement.

Second, identify any overlap with existing policies. You must check thoroughly if the policy you’re planning to create already exists or it parts of it exists in other policies before you create a new policy. If that’s the case, consider revising existing policies instead of creating a new one.

Third, don’t create the policy in a vacuum. The Keeley Consulting Group suggests that policies should be developed with input from those that will be affected by them rather than sitting behind your desk and make policy that you felt were necessary and that were developed wholly on your own. It’s important that all stakeholders be heard to reduce the possibility for accidental consequences, even though the final policy may ultimately not reflect all opinions. Policies must certainly be complete and added opinions can help close any gaps that may exist.

Fourth, step back and think about the need. Please remember that you should create policies when there is a clear need and a clear problem to solve, not just because someone did something you didn’t like. According to The Keeley Consulting Group review, some policies were put into place out of spite and as vengeance, and this kind of activity wouldn’t happen in a sensible organization. It won’t also happen in a firm that has a strict policy on policies, as the policy will often go through multiple levels for approval.

Fifth, make use of the right words so there will be no misunderstandings. Make sure that you’ll use simple and specific terminology because policies should be easily understood to be effective. We provided below some important pointers:

- Use the words “must” or “will” instead of “should” in the body of the policy. If something is optional, use the word “should” but not when it’s a requirement.
- Use a department, office, unit, or job title rather than an individual’s name.
- Contact emails need to be a general department address or a web page that gives additional contact information. Please avoid using an individual’s email address in order to avoid the policy from needing updates when personnel changes happen.
- Don’t underline subheadings or words that need to be stressed in a sentence. Instead, set subheadings in bold or italics if a word has to be stressed. If the policy is posted online, underlined words could be mistaken for hyperlinks.

Sixth, include an exceptions process whenever possible. In most cases, there is an exception for every rule. It’s much easier to identify how an exceptions process is to operate in advance before the policy is implemented. Please be aware that exceptions have to be granted in a manner that is just and reasonable. The entire policy might be called into question if you were careless with the exceptions process.

Seventh, allow some shades of gray. The Keeley Consulting Group believes that some policies have to leave a little ambiguity for people to create decisions. It’s okay if your policy leaves a little bit of gray so that an individual can make an on-the-fly decision.

Eighth, define policy maintenance responsibility. Most policies require regular review to ensure their continued applicability. Make sure that you always identify the office that is responsible for the policy because someone needs to be able to provide clarifying information when questions are raised about the policy. Do not identify individuals since they come and go.

Lastly, set up a policy library with versioning. Nowadays, there are several tools that enable you to store different versions of documents. All employees should be able to access all appropriate policies all the time. Versioning may also help individuals to see the history of the policy to track what has changed over the years.

If you have further question about this matter, please visit this link for additional information provided by The Keeley Consulting Group.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Keeley Consulting Group: Effekterna av global uppvärmning på kustområdena och havet

Det finns ingen förneka att det finns tusentals undersökningar utförs av olika forskare eller individer hittades online idag rörande de ödesdigra följderna av den globala uppvärmningen. Forskarna belysa de snabba och omfattande konsekvenserna av detta fenomen. The Keeley Consulting Group bedömer att den stigande temperaturen av vår planets yta kan ge stora katastrofer i framtiden.

En av de stora farhågorna bland forskare är effekterna av den globala uppvärmningen i kustområdena. Det är uppenbart att den viktigaste faktorn hotar kustområdena är ökande havsnivån. Så, är det inte förvånande att vissa kustsamhällen i världen upplever oftare tidvatten översvämningar. Det förväntas också att de närmaste åren 15 till 30, översvämningar från högt tidvatten kommer hända oftare och orsaka störningar.

The Keeley Consulting Group definierar globala uppvärmningen som gradvisa ökningen av den genomsnittliga temperaturen på jordytan, särskilt sedan förra århundradet. Det uppenbara skälet bakom kollapsen av de istäckta regionerna i världen är löneförhöjningen i temperatur, vilket också bidrar till ökningen av havsvatten. Den värsta drabbats av fenomenet global uppvärmning är Arktis och Antarktis istäcken och gigantiska glaciärerna. Värmen smälter ner glaciala isen och leder till naturkatastrofer som översvämning.

Den termiska expansionen av vatten kan också orsaka en höjning av havsnivån som en efter effekt av den globala uppvärmningen. Vattnet absorberar värme och expanderar vilket leder till en höjning av havsnivån. Effekterna av den globala uppvärmningen också utlösa att vattnet avdunstar snabbt, vilket leder till täta molnbildning och ökad nederbörd. Låglänta kustområden kommer sannolikt för att bli osäkra eftersom de är känsliga för översvämningar samt komplett nersänkning under vatten.

På grund av global uppvärmning säger många forskare att jordens yttemperatur inom 50 år, kommer att stiga av 2ºF till 9ºF. Fenomenet med den globala uppvärmningen kan leda till katastrofala klimatförändringar. Härdsmältan av istäckena på grund av global uppvärmning i polarområdena skulle utsätta tundra vegetationen. Isen i polarområdena reflekterar tillbaka solens värme. De hav som omger området, med avsaknad av istäcket, skulle absorberar värmen snabbare och i ökad mängd.

Kustnära områden har några egenskaper som gör att flera personer ville leva där, som dess bördiga jord och möjlighet för utveckling av fisket och sjöfarten. Det är uppenbart att effekterna av den globala uppvärmningen som den ökande havsnivån som leder till täta översvämningar skulle vara första kände i dessa kustområden. Det finns också denna möjlighet av vissa forskare att det ska finnas en fullständig förintelse av kustområden på grund av de ökade seawaters.

Fenomenet växthuseffekten påverkas också negativt det marina livet. Ökade vattentemperaturen påverkade även den biologiska mångfalden på grund av förstörelse av livsmiljöer av olika vattenlevande arter. Det marina livet i vattnen kring polarregionerna påverkas värst av den globala uppvärmningen på grund av den snabba ökningen av värme absorption av vatten.

Effekterna av den globala uppvärmningen bör kontrolleras omedelbart för att rädda jorden från undergång. Det enda sättet att eliminera problemet är att bli av med de grundläggande orsakerna till den globala uppvärmningen. Den främsta orsaken till att ozonskiktet är utsläpp av växthusgaser. The Keeley Consulting Group anser att kontrollera dessa utsläpp är den primära metoden för att motverka de negativa effekterna av den globala uppvärmningen.

Översvämningarna i kustområden kommer att omdefiniera hur och var människor i de drabbade områdena live, arbete, och i övrigt går sina dagliga liv. The Keeley Consulting Group rekommenderar att kustsamhällena måste börja planera idag på hur till hantera stigande havsnivån och ovanliga tidvatten översvämningar, och att vidta omedelbara och beslutsamma åtgärder för att kontrollera långsiktiga skador på deras kuster.

Besök denna link för ytterligare information The Keeley Consulting Group.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Keeley Consulting Group: How to Balance Work and Life

The struggle is definitely real on this one. Workaholics seem to have no time for enjoyment because they’re too focused on working so hard eight (or more) hours a day and five (or six) days a week. Perhaps this is the reason why many individuals often get tired of life and doesn’t have the reasons why to smile or to be happy for anymore.

The Keeley Consulting Group understands that sometimes things could really get stressful at work. There comes a time when you just need to play for a while and take a time off. It might be very challenging to balance work and play successfully, but there are certain ways you can do this to live a happier and healthier life.

First, take a pen and paper and jot down everything you have to do and everything you want to do. Study your list and determine what is the most important to you. Mark off the most important tasks. Then go through it and select what you would like to do before or after work. This might be having a dinner together with your family or spending time together with your children. Each day, take a few minutes to look at your list and make sure to do at least two of the highest priorities on the list.

Second, create a plan to achieve your highest priorities every day. Make a complete schedule where you will make family time before and after work. Make sure to do something fun every weekend too, like going out with your family and seeing a wonderful movie. The Keeley Consulting Group suggests that you make fun time a priority or else you will get stressed out.

Third, if you wanted to finish your important work early every day, learn to discipline yourself. Thus, you’ll have more time to spend together with your family or by yourself. Remember that being disciplined will provide you with more time to have fun because it will help you to get your most important things done.

Fourth, bear in mind that working hard is important to be a successful person, but you also need to play or relax yourself from time to time. Working hard and playing hard is essential to keep stress away. Give yourself a break by playing a little after work. Watch a movie with your family, relax, and just keep work at work. Try not to bring your work at home, and keep it as separate as much as you can.

Fifth, take a vacation with your family and friends for every chance you can get. Leave work at work and always remember that you’re on a vacation to keep stress away. Don’t take your computer or smartphone if you’ll just check your emails and messages that are related to work.

Sixth, don’t give up on the things that you’d love to do. The Keeley Consulting Group believes that to balance work and play together and to enjoy life, you have to make sure that you keep on doing the things that you love to do, such as playing games, watching movies, riding a bike, working out, and simply enjoying your life in general.

Seventh, don’t get carried away with working too much or playing too much. You just want to do the work you need to do and that’s it. You also don’t want to relax too much because then you’ll never want to work again. Remember that this is important if you want to balance the two together.

Eighth, stay flexible in everything you do, and identify when it is time to work and when it is time to play. Keeping the two open and separate is important to stay stress free. You don’t want to be a workaholic and work all the time because then you will become stressed.

Ninth, you should also take breaks during work, but not too many, it should be enough to keep you going. Some workaholics don’t take lunch breaks because of too much work. Don’t do that. Take your lunch break and also a five minute break every hour or two. This will help you de-stress and relax a little while at work. However, don’t play at work because you need to do your work at work and play at home or with friends.

Tenth, take note that socializing is also important to keep stress away and to balance everything successfully. You should spend time not only with your family but with your friends as well on your days off. You must enjoy your life on the weekends. Relax and have fun with friends by playing games, fishing, or going to places that everyone will enjoy. Make sure not to talk about work when socializing.

Eleventh, if you’re thinking that spending time alone will only add emotional burden to you, you’re wrong. Spending time alone isn’t bad at all. You should also make time for yourself every once in a while to help you relax. Read a book or magazine, or watch your favorite movie or television show alone. This will help you recharge your energy.

Lastly, keep your communication open with your family and friends. Even if you’re at work it is important to keep the lines of communication open with those people who are dear to you. Knowing that your family and friends are just a phone call away will help you remain calm at work where you’ll be able to perform your tasks very well. It will also be helpful in case of an emergency.

The Keeley Consulting Group guarantees you that if you accomplish all of the above, then it will help you not only balance everything successfully but also stay stress free.

Please visit this link for further information about The Keeley Consulting Group. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Keeley Consulting Group: Fa grunderna i utvecklingspolitik in Singapore

En policy skulle kunna beskrivas som en grupps satt att gora saker - nagot som avancerar over tiden och sa smaningom blir antagen av nyare intressenter. Det ar ett tydligt uttryck for en organisations stallning i vissa fragor och vagleder sina intressenter om hur man ska uppna sina mal.

Det ar utan tvekan en forutsattning for en organisation som det fungerar som ett monster eller standard att intressenterna kommer att samrada nar det finns en tvist om genomforandet av ett visst beslut. Men att utveckla en politik ar en lang och modosam process.

The Keeley Consulting Group beskriver processen for utvecklingspolitiken som nagot som bygger inte bara pa organisationens kollektiva beslut om vilken riktning man ska ta, men ocksa pa de enskilda synpunkter fran sina intressenter.

For att lattare forsta essensen av att utveckla en politik, har ar en oversikt over grunderna:

- Bestam syftet att en viss politik kommer att fungera i organisationen.

- Delegera ett team for att koncentrera sig pa att driva den politiska utvecklingen framat. Utvecklingsprocessen kan ta flera manader att avsluta sa det bor finnas en plan med uppgifter som skulle gora de uppgifter som kravs och motsvarande tidsperiod for varje.

- Bortsett fran det uppenbara behovet av juridisk radgivning i detta forskningsfasen, kravs det ocksa att lasa officiella rapporter i organisationen och befintlig lagstiftning och policydokument pa narliggande amnen. Ytterligare information kan hamtas fran ett mote med experter eller en undersokning bland berorda parter.

- Forbered ett diskussionsunderlag som innehaller en sammanfattning av alla de uppgifter som inhamtats fran forskningsfasen samt nagra politiska forslag som harror fran dem. En inledande samrad med de berorda parterna maste genomforas for att fa deras synpunkter pa diskussionsunderlaget. Det ar viktigt att alla berorda parter att delta i denna fas for att skapa en vettig politik.

- Efter intressenterna har gett sina synpunkter, ett utkast kan nu framstallas baserat pa samrad.

- Den uppdaterade utkast politiken maste genomga ytterligare diskussion och revidering sa det ar viktigt att fa intressenter feedback igen. Bor behandlas nagra fortydliganden eller semantiska oro pa denna punkt.

- Nar arbetsgruppen har bestamt att alla farhagor nar det galler politik har tagits upp pa ett tillfredsstallande satt, det kan nu slutforas. Den slutliga politiken sedan antas formellt av gruppen i ett mote. aven for antagande scenen for att arbeta, politiken bor effektivt formedlas alla i hela koncernen, vilket gor att varje aktor ar val informerade om dess genomforande.